The degree of person–pet bonding is significant. For the single person closely bonded with their dog, the benefits are even more marked
Owners, typically, are responsible & caring.
The great majority of pet owners are responsible and considerate careers. They treat their dog or cat with affection and as a member of the family. They care for its well–being, health and safety.
In relation to dogs:
- Most are said to be ‘Obedient’.
- The majority of owners, during exercise periods, keep their pet on a lead (women do most of the exercising and are more responsible than men).
- Destructive behavior is uncommon.
- Barking can be a nuisance, but in most neighborhoods, this seldom occurs.
Dog faces can foul public places
Public places–streets, parks, beaches and river banks–are important places for the recreational exercise of dogs. The use of parks as a canine toilet facility, however, is considerably less than universal. As expected, it is more common in urban areas. Among careers, there are those that pick up their dog’s faces in public places and there are those that don’t. Again, women are more responsible than men. Sydney leads the way in the removal of faces from public places.