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The hospital has two major operation theatres. One minor theatre and one obstetric theatre, all of which are fully functional 24 hours a day. The major operation theatres cater to all the surgical faculties and have equipment like the Zeiss MDU operating microscope, computerized tourniquet, C–arm image intensifier, in addition to routine monitoring and operating equipment.
Operation theatre
Total hip and knee replacements, renal transplants, neurosurgical procedures are regularly performed in addition to general surgery, ENT and ophthalmic procedures. The hospital has three hemodialysis machines, which are in use 365 days in the year and still unable to cater to the full complement of patients reporting to the hospital for dialysis. Renal transplants are performed regularly and the hospital is one of the centers authorized recently by the Govt. for cadaver transplants.
The diagnostic facilities include the pathology department which has separate sections for clinical pathology, microbiology, and histopathology with equipment like semi automated biochemistry analyzers, ABG and electrolyte analyzers etc.
Hospital room The 2–D echo color doppler system and whole–body ultrasonography are performed on a sophisticated color doppler system. Computerized stress analysis, stress echo, holter monitoring, signal average EGCs are also available. A portable ultrasound machine caters to the requirements of intensive care units. 24 hr cover for the CT scan is provided by a team of eminently qualified professionals.
The institution has involved itself in various education programs for different categories of medical and paramedical staff. The library, where a number of national and international medical journals are also available will shortly be equipped with an internet facility.
Regular CME programs are organized, especially for local general practioners in an attempt to keep them abreast of latest trends and developments in the medical field.