Padmashree Dr. K. H. Sancheti has been the moving spirit behind this institution which was founded in 1972. It is a 150 bedded hospital and postgraduate teaching hospital recognized by medical council of India, national academy of medical sciences and university of poona.
The institution has a bulk of activity catering to nearly 33,000 OPD patients and 2500 indoor patients every year. The emergency department is rightfully called accident clinic. It consists of the casualty bay its own 300 MA radiography machine twin theatre complex and its own 20 bedded ward. This is manned round the clock by a team of professionals lead by an orthopedic surgeon. It primarily caters to all accident cases and takes care of medico legal formalities. The indoor patient service include wards on the second and third floors, patients harboring infections are all isolated in one ward. Specializations like neurology, neurosurgery, cardiology, urosurgery, vascular surgery, hand surgery, etc are all provided for by visiting specialists.
Special facilities for treatment

Sancheti institute provides total treatment in the field of orthopedics to sum up, it comprises of the following:
- Traumatology.
- Post polio reconstruction and corrective surgery.
- Latest techniques of treatment by internal and external fixators, AD. techniques, interlocking nails, etc.
- Knee arthroscopy.
- Arthroplasty – total knee and hip replacement.
- Spine surgery.
The institute has a fairly large library with reference books, journals, magazines, newsletters, etc. The library is widely used by staff, consultants and PG students.
Radiology department
X–ray department is provided with 300 MA machine for casualty and indoor cases and 60 MA mobile machines for operation theatre and ward.
Pathology work
Various laboratory investigations of outdoor and indoor patients are conducted in this lab.
Education, research & development
Post graduate studies in orthopedics and traumatology are conducted in full swing and are attended to by all post–graduate orthopedic trainees of the city. The faculty consists of luminaries. Researches into areas of joint replacement, polio–rehabilitation, fracture management, ring fixatures, etc are presently on going.
The institute is recognized for the following teaching program
- PG teaching for M.S. (orthopedics) under university of pune.
- Diploma national board.
Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation
16, Shivajinagar,
Pune 411 005, Maharashtra, India.
Telephone: +91 20 25533333, 25533334, 25533435.
E–Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.