With full zeal and vigor this motivated group of doctors set out to take over the management of sanjeevan hospital in december 1993.
Salient features of sanjeevan hospital
- Young dedicated competent team of doctors Patient friendly approach.
No patient is denied medical aid for lack of money.
No prior deposit for admission in hospital. - Well equipped with modern medical gadgets.
- Allopathy, homoeopathy, ayurveda under one roof.

Charitable Activities
- 50% concession in treatment to patients from orphanages, remand homes, old age homes and for mentally and physically handicapped children with no charges by the treating doctor.
- Generous concession for general ward patients (poor and needy people) Above 35 lakhs worth concessions given in the last 5 years.
- Free cataract surgeries.

Sanjeevan Hospital
Off Karve Road,
Pune 411 004, Maharashtra, India.
Telephone (5 lines): +91 20 25436053,
Fax: +91 20 25280104.