Visit Profile
Please tell us about the satisfaction you get by doing such noble work
Ans: Serving people for better lifestyle which intends gives me motivation to work more.
One thing that you would like to recommend to our government to improve delivery of and access to health care services?
Ans: Govt should introduce more public hospitals like (For eg. Sasoon) to understand the need of people and reduce or put-off the tax on medicines.
What would you like to say on patient - doctor relation?
Ans: Transparent, trustworthy and friendly.
In today's fast paced life, often it is difficult for the doctor to explain in detail to the patient about his ailment.
Ans: Electronic media can be used whenever it is essential.
Your opinion on patients surfing the Internet for health information and then asking you about what they have read.
Ans: It is easier for the doctor to explain the remedy of the patient than the net.
What do you have to say about medical negligence?
Ans: It is there but should be worked out in a proper way.
What are your expectations from your patients?
Ans: They should quite open to doctor as he is here to serve the people and regular follow-ups.
How comfortable are you using the Internet?
Ans: Very much 10/10
Do you agree that the Internet and portals like aarogya.com can be used effectively for:
- Doctor patient interaction
- Increase your visibility and reach
- Act as a convenient means of communication for your patients
- Increase your interaction with colleagues
Ans: All with all above options it also helps with the up gradation of knowledge.
Your experience in using the Internet in your profession.
Ans: 4 yrs. Betterment for his service and which relates his patients
Any message you would like to give to people at large and to colleagues
Ans: Be positive and should develop healthy habits.