Visit Profile
Please tell us about the satisfaction you get by doing such noble work
Ans: I am extremely happy and satisfied with work towards this noble cause.
One thing that you would like to recommend to our government to improve delivery of and access to health care services?
Ans: I would cetianly like to recommend our government that computer should be accessable to all our common people for their health programme 7 treatment.
What would you like to say on patient - doctor relation?
Ans: Since the computer is accessable through internet foe a Patient to discusss his or her health issues to get prompt and correct treatment.
In today's fast paced life, often it is difficult for the doctor to explain in detail to the patient about his ailment.
Ans: I agree it is difficult for a doctor to explain each and every thinf about his ailments because of busy schedule, but this can be done by computer so as to make urgent appoinments.
Your opinion on patients surfing the Internet for health information and then asking you about what they have read.
Ans: My opinion about patients taking interest through computer will bring prompt treatment and happy welbeing.
What do you have to say about medical negligence?
Ans: Socioeconomic and busy working schedule might lead to medical negligence.
What are your expectations from your patients?
Ans: To remain healthy and happy.