Massage is not the main aspect of the therapy. Basically, a chiropractor may use his hand to give an impact to the special part (the patient’s body adjusts and is released from pain) or he may use his own body in a twisting manipulation to remove the subluxations. The period of treatment depends on the patient’s muscle tone and body weight, and may last from one sitting to over three weeks or even three months.
The age of the patient is also crucial. Therefore, a step by step trial method may be used,states Chiropractor Dr. Tae Hee, who has been practicing the therapy in Pune for a year now. He has been a Chiropractor for the last 25 years, and has a clinic in Korea too.
Is the human body custom built?
We must learn to respect our body, counsels Dr. Hee. Our body structure is naturally well–balanced. It is designed for walking and lying down, and not for sitting. Most people in cities suffer from occupational backache.
“While sitting on a chair, we tend to keep our right leg above the left leg which causes physical changes in the pelvis and the cervical region”, he points out, adding: “Such structural problems can be corrected without medicines”.
“Nowadays, people have backaches because we go against nature”, stresses Dr. Hee. Like other alternative therapies emphasize exercise and a proper diet, Chirotherapy does the same, but its foundation is in correcting the body’s equilibrium. That is why it is also known as manipulative therapy. Since every disease is connected to the vertebrae, informs Dr. Tae Hee, many diseases can be prevented by it.
The area of focus of Chiropractic therapy is the nervous system, but knowledge of yoga, acupuncture, food therapy and meditation is also beneficial, reveals Dr. Hee: “All alternative therapies are limited if we do not combine and use their plus points together with allopathic medicine”. Dr. Hee employs a combination of Chiropractic with Acupressure and Reiki meditation to treat his patients.
He laments, most Indians are not aware of what the therapy is all about. In the US, Chiropractors work side by side with allopathic doctors. “In India, in spite of a culture that is conducive to alternative therapy, doctors don’t offer patients a choice”, he bemoans.
Many obese people, diabetics, and people suffering from skin diseases come to us after a long time of suffering or after surgery, he divulges. The therapy is not applied to people who have already undergone surgery, he adds.