Sassoon Quotes more than Private Hospital
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20 July 2009
By Vijay Chavan
Raju Sahebrao Kamble (32), a resident of Dapodi and construction labouror, on December 31, approached Sassoon Hospital for a hip joint replacement surgery. He was monitored for a week after which the hospital quoted Rs 1.4 lakh to purchase equipment from Radar Marketing to carry out necessary surgery. Kamble is a man living below the poverty line (BPL).
According to Government Resolution (GR), BPL patients should be treated free of cost in government hospitals. Mirror found out that even private hospitals have been treating such patients for much less than what Sassoon quotes.
Kamble has had no treatment since April 29. In the meanwhile, he lost everything he had in order to support himself as the pain made working impossible.
Dr P B Pawar, superintendent of Sasoon Hospital says, “Kamble’s problem is not included in any GR scheme. The quotations given are based solely on charges of the company that will provide equipment.”
When asked about the expenditure of such a surgery, Dr Yashwant Doifode, deputy director of health department said, “It should not have cost more than Rs 40,000.” When told about the quotation given by Sassoon, he said he would personally look into the matter.
Parag Sancheti, chairman of Sancheti Institute for Ortho and Rehabilitation, said, “It should not be more than Rs 80,000 if the lowest possible rates are considered.”
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