07 September 2009
Discourse: Sri Ashutosh Maharaj
The physical body being grosser appears to have great strength, but the controlling switchboard is in the mind. From the biological point of view, the human body is a dense network of nerves, cells, veins and other constituents all interconnected with each other. It has also the ability to constantly repair and renew itself.
If all cellular reactions are optimum and perfect, one can lead a disease–free life. Our mind exercises direct control over all biochemical reactions taking place in our body. Our thoughts, emotions and feelings leave their impact on the biological system. For instance, the feelings of fear in us lead to the gush of the hormone adrenaline, the feelings of stress cause the release of the hormone cortisol, the feelings of laughter increase endomorphin levels, anger and annoyance, raising the cholesterol level and blood pressure, increase the risk of fatal heart attacks or strokes, and there are many more such examples available.
Every emotion or feeling has the tendency of altering or modifying our biochemical profile. In short, our body is the physical outcome of all our thoughts and emotions we have been rearing in our mental plane, as is depicted in the famous adage: Belief creates biology. In other words, our physical body can be described as the manifestation of emotions or the three–dimensional projection of our mental thoughts, as Shakespeare put it. We are such stuff as dreams are made of. Thus, our every body cell is influenced by the way we think and feel. In addition, our all thoughts, emotions, and feelings get stored up in the vibration code of our cells.
The human mind is like a double–edged sword where its potentialities, if mishandled, can cause so much of havoc in the form of diseases. At the same time, the effective utilisation of its potentialities can help in eliminating anxiety, panic attacks, and stress.
The mind is equipped with incredible powers that can change life. It is like the creating power–machine, which can create anything ranging from the worst to the best. The worst gets manifested when the mind is overwhelmed with negativities propagating anxiety, worries, and depression, which further shoot up into various forms of diseases.
Generally, anxiety, stress, worry etc, all need just a single negative thought for their ignition. But, often, you don’t get aware of that negative thought, instead, you sense this negativity when it has assumed some other worse state like headache or stomach ache.
The need is to control negative thoughts before they reach their summit in the form of variegated ailments. However, negative thoughts can be controlled by bridling the mind with the help of proper meditation techniques emphasised in Divine Knowledge, which in turn can be achieved by the grace of a perfect master only. The mystical effect of Divine knowledge then churns out your positive tendencies, enabling you to extract the most out of your life. It trains and develops your mind, keeping it disease–free and stressfree. It makes you lead a healthier and more productive life while keeping diseases at bay.
From Mind, a double–edged sword. Courtesy: Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan.