09 December 2010
By Melvyn Thomas & Himanshu Bhatt
Surat, India

Residents of Rajkot, Saurabh Kathwadia married Bhavika six years ago and was aware that she would not be able to conceive child as she had a congenital absence of uterus and vagina. Dr Purnima Nadkarni, who runs an fertility hospital in the city, suggested Bhavika’s mother become the surrogate. After medical tests, Shobhana, a mother of four children, was found to be suitable for the procedure.
Three embryos were transferred into Shobhana’s uterus. She conceived in the first attempt and had a triplet pregnancy. Since triplet pregnancies have a greater risk of miscarriage, one embryo was taken out in the third month.
"We did not want to risk Shobhanaben’s life and decided to remove one embryo. It has been almost nine months and the surrogate mother is ready to deliver twins, each weighing about three kilograms," said Nadkarni. Preparations have been made for a cesarean surgery to give birth to the healthy twins.
"It will be one of the biggest days of my life. My children will come into the this world through the same womb that I was conceived in 28 years ago. My mother is truly an angel ," said Bhavika. Shobhana said from the hospital bed, "I feel proud I can give this gift to me daughter."