16 July 2010
Disaster management & surgical perspectives Experts to share views on natural as well as man–made disasters
Chain of evacuation: urban scenario in 2010, polytrauma, urban terrorism: surgical perspectives and mass casualties: unexpected scenarios will also be discussed during the continuing medical education
HE Command Hospital (Southern Command), Pune, will conduct a national level continuing medical education CME programme ‘Disaster management & surgical perspectives’ on July 17 and 18.
Lt Gen Pradeep Bhargava, Director General Hospital Services (DGHS Armed Forces) and Officiating Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) will inaugurate the event at Bharadwaja Auditorium, Armed Forces Medical College. According to Maj Gen S S Panwar, Commandant, Command Hospital (SC), Pune, all aspects of disaster management including surgical management of victims will be discussed.
Experts will talk on natural as well as man–made disasters and share their experience during the two–day deliberations.
Lt Gen N K Parmar, for mer DGAFMS, will deliver the keynote address on ‘Disaster: perspectives, issues and challenges for health care planners.’ The session will be chaired by Lt Gen D P Vats, Director and Commandant, AFMC, Pune.
According to Brig Manmohan Singh, consultant in plastic surgery and head of surgical division, Command Hospital (SC), Pune, several experts from the field of disaster management will share their experiences with the delegates during the CME.
Prof M C Gupta of AIIMS Trauma Centre, New Delhi, will speak on Chain of Evacuation: Urban Scenario in 2010, Prof P C Gupta of Care Hospital, Hyderabad, will participate in a panel discussion on Polytrauma, Dr Satish Dharap of Sion Hospital, Mumbai, will speak on Urban Terrorism: Surgical Perspectives.
Prof Arun Jamkar of BJMC will speak on Mass Casualties: Unexpected Scenarios, Pune, Prashant Ranpise, chief fire officer of Pune will speak on Major Fires: Response and Management.
Several experts from Armed Forces Medical College and affiliated teaching hospitals of Pune and other advanced tertiary level healthcare establishments of the AFMS will also participate.