28 April 2010
Varanasi, India
If you want to live longer and healthier, better go for dinner before the sunset and stick to milk while going to bed. This health mantra was revealed by ayurvedic expert, Vaidhya S Bagvadekar from Mumbai on the second day of six-day CME for medical officers, organised in the department of Rasa Shastra, Banaras Hindu University on Tuesday.
Saying that dietary habits play significant role in ensuring and maintaining sound health system, Bagvadekar said: “Our country has started to witness late night dinners and other wrong eating habits resulting in various metabolic disorders.” The early you eat in the evening, the longer digestive juices work promoting various enzymatic activities that help in proper digestion, he added while referring to some of the countries including Malaysia and US, where people go for early dinner.
Prof SK Mishra for Jaunpur said avoiding rice and potatoes doesn’t help in treatment of diabetes but what matters is the consumption of balanced diet that takes stock of amount of calories taken and burnt during metabolic activities.