4, March 2010
London, England
A Japanese scientist has developed a new injection system that can deliver drug into human skin without causing any pain.
The system – a round vaccine “chip” measuring 1.5cm in diameter that contains as many as 300 micro needles – injects drug into the body without breaking the dermis layer of skin.
The needles are made of a water–soluble polymer that dissolves when pressed into the epidermis, the outer layer of skin, releasing the vaccine to be absorbed into the circulatory system, the Telegraph reported.
Each of the needles is 0.5mm long and 0.3mm wide at the base and tests show that the efficiency of the vaccine is not adversely affected by the method of delivery. The needle dissolves and administers the vaccine, after penetrating just 0.5 millimetres in the skin, say experts from Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, who developed it.