28 April 2010
Hyderabad, India

This was recommended by the cadaver transplantation advisory committee that included minister for medical education, P Sudarshan Reddy, principal secretary health J Satyanarayana and principal secretary finance L V Subramanyam.
The committee felt that the cadaver transplantation authority should be located at Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences. The committees report will be made available on a website for c o m m e n t s and suggestions from experts and citizens for two weeks from Wednesday.
Meanwhile, chief minister K Rosaiah at a review meeting of the department of medical education decided to hold an all–party meeting on the issue of participation of the state in the scheme of all India quota for MBBS and PG seats on reciprocal basis as part of proposed medical reforms in medical education sector.
The meeting also decided to introduce biometric system of attendance for the faculty and the students in all medical colleges soon. The feasibility of introducing objective type questions in all written examinations in MBBS and PG levels will be examined on the lines of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jipmer etc.
To curb malpractices in examinations like copying, installation of CCTVs in all examination centres would be considered. A system of accreditation to the medical colleges both in government and private sectors will also be explored. Similarly, the transfer of internees from one college to another will be tightened and made more transparent, the minister for medical education said.
The qualifying service for inservice PG quota is proposed to be increased from 3 years to 4 years in rural areas and from 2 to 3 years in tribal areas. The chief minister asked the department to fill the vacancies in medical colleges.