24 April 2010
Washington, DC USA
Losing about 6kg of excess flab may help reverse the disturbed immune system of obese people, particularly those with Type 2 diabetes, Australian scientists have claimed.
The immune system is made up of many kinds of cells that protect the body from germs, viruses and other invaders. These cells need to co–exist in a certain balance for good health to be maintained. Many factors, including diet and excess body fat, can tip this balance, creating“proinflammatory”immune cells that can harm, rather than protect, our bodies. But the study conducted at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney found that shedding about 6kg of excess weight could reverse damaging changes in the immune cells of obese people.
According to the scientists excess body fat, particularly abdominal fat, triggers the production of“pro–inflammatory”immune cells, which circulate in the blood and promote inflammation in our bodies. Such chronic inflammation has been linked with coronary artery disease and other health problems.