25 May 2010
New Delhi, India
Delhi doctors proved to be saviours for a one–year–old boy from Pakistan who was suffering from a rare immune disorder. Shaheer underwent a successful stem cell transplant at the Sir Gangaram Hospital in the city.
The infant from Islamabad was brought to Delhi by his parents in March for treating the immune disorder called Familial HLH, which is considered fatal unless treated by a stem cell transplant, doctors said on Monday. The infant was operated upon on March 15. "This was the first case of unrelated blood stem cell transplant in India," said Anupam Sachdeva, senior consultant in the hospital's paediatrics department.
Stem cells produce white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets vital for normal body functions such as oxygen transportation, defence against infections and diseases and clotting.
Stem cells used for a transplant are usually taken from a relative or a matched donor. But Shaheer, the only child of his parents, had no donors matching his stem cells in his family. IANS