29 Aug 2011
Pune, India
There is not only an increase in the number of cancer cases, but also other diseases related to the immunity of the body, said Shailesh Deshpande, founder president of Search (Society for enhancement and research in classical homeopathy) at a cancer patients’ interactive session organised by Search at Yashada recently.
The programme discussed the use of homeopathy in treating cancer patients and to answer queries of patients and their relatives on the treatment. Cancer patients who claimed to have benefited from such treatment shared their experiences.
Film producer Smita Talwalkar, who has herself fought cancer, emphasized the importance of a positive outlook. “A positive frame of mind helps one sail through cancer smoothly. Be it allopathy, homeopathy or ayurveda, the role of a doctor is just 30% of the treatment. The remaining 70% depends on a patient’s bent of mind that eventually decides how he/ she will benefit from a treatment.”
“Like diabetes, cancer is at our threshold. There is an increase in the number of cases of cancer. The way we have accepted tuberculosis, hypertension and diabetes, we will also have to learn to accept cancer, which is an experience in itself. With newer treatment modalities, we can safely live a healthy life. Cancer has lost all its dread. It is like any other disease now,” said Talwalkar.
As many as six patients suffering from various types of cancer shared their experiences of homeopathy treatment. “Chemotherapy had drained my body of all energy. Homeopathy treatment gave me a new lease of life. I have been taking the treatment for over a year now,” said a 60-year-old cancer patient. Other patients echoed similar sentiments and stressed on the affordability of homeopathy treatment for cancer against expensive chemotherapy cycles.
Rajani Indulkar, chairman, Maharashtra Council of Homeopathy and member Central Council of Homeopathy, lauded the Search team’s efforts in dedicatedly treating cancer patients with the help of classical homeopathy.
Search consists of a team of homeopathy experts comprising Dhananjay Deshmukh, Yogesh Waghmare, Smita Gupta, Swati Asabe and Samidha Palkar. Their basic aim is to enhance research in classical homeopathy. Since the last 21 years, Search has been involved in various national and international research projects regarding cancer treatment.