18 March 2011
London, India
British scientists have discovered a cholesterol regulating protein which plays a key role in the formation of thrombosis, a type of blood clot that can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
The breakthrough in understanding the roleof the protein, called LXR, in causing thrombosiscould pavetheway for new and better treatments for the condition and may help save thousands of lives every year, the researchers said. "This ground-breaking study paves the way for new and more effective medicines to prevent thrombosis," said Jon Gibbins, Director of Reading University's Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research,wholedthe research.
"While blood clotting is essential to prevent bleeding, inappropriate clotting within the circulation, known as thrombosis, is the trigger for heart attacks and strokes," he was quoted as saying by the Telegraph newspaper.
According to the researchers, by developing drugs that can control LXR, scientists will be able to prevent thrombosis and also control cholesterol levels. It could help fight against heart and circulatory diseases, which kill 191,000 people a year in UK alone, said the researchers who detailed their findings in thejournalBlood.