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What is the normal frequency of sexual intercourse?
loving couple
There is nothing like a normal frequency of sexual intercourse. One can have pleasure as much as one wishes and if the partner agrees.
Does excess sexual intercourse debilitate the person?
Every sexual intercourse is an exercise in itself. It causes the loss of certain calories depending upon the vigorousness of the act. Calories lost could be one hundred or more. Such an output of calories must be compensated by proper input. This occurs through normal diet. Then the debility is not observed.
Does avoiding sex, help enhance performance in fields life like sport, studies or career?
Avoiding sex in a sexually active person may in fact damage his or her performance in other fields of life. This is because it may be possible to avoid a sexual act but it is almost impossible to stop sexual thoughts. The constant stimulation of the sex center always hampers the ability of the person to concentrate. It is just like the uneasiness experienced due to the constant stimulation of the urinary center.
This definitely affects the performance of the person in his/her given work. To enable the person to succeed in the work undertaken, it is essential that this nagging stimulation be removed. This is possible, as in the case of urinary impulse, only by the actual act or in the absence of it, by masturbation. Contrary to the concept, this improves performance by allowing the mind to concentrate fully in other fields like studies, sport or career.
How long should sexual intercourse last for the satisfaction of the woman?
There is no hard and fast rule for the ideal duration of sexual intercourse. Every thing depends on the techniques of the sexual act and the psychological preparation of the woman. The man’s skill to stimulate her fully before penetration is the key to success.
Is it hygienic to have sex during the menstrual period?
Sexual intercourse can be performed at any given time with a willing partner. Therefore, it is alright to have sex during menstrual period. But hygienic precautions like washing and cleaning the full penis is necessary. Also, the woman should be comfortable before and during the act.
Is anal intercourse harmful?
Anal intercourse is sometimes considered as an un–natural act. This is because in the conventional way it is not related to the tract responsible for the reproduction. But it is practiced because of the pleasure of the tightness of the grip of the anal sphincter. As the anal tract is not lubricated naturally, anal sex may become painful and hurt. Since the anal tract is related with defecation, the germs present in it may affect the urinary tract of the man performing the act. It may also affect the vagina of the woman if immediate vaginal intercourse is performed without cleaning the penis thoroughly.