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Do cadaveric kidney transplants fare as well as living related transplants?
Living related transplants have the best outcome and should always be pursued as the first step in obtaining a kidney.
Is there any age limit for a recipient for kidney transplantation?
Usually patients who are less than 5 years and those who are more than 65 years are not considered for renal transplantations.
Is there any age limit for kidney donors?
kidneys are generally accepted from the donors who are 4 and 70 years of age. However carefully evaluation must be done in the donor who is more than 55 years of age.
Are there any contraindications for doing a transplant in a kidney failure patient?
The following patients do not qualify for a transplant.
- Advanced heart disease.
- Advanced lung disease.
- Age > 75 years.
- Advanced cancer.
- Extremely obese patients.
- Drug or alcohol addiction.
- Active nephritis.
Are both kidneys transplanted or only one kidney transplanted?
Usually only one kidney is transplanted.
Where is the kidney actually transplanted into the recipient?
The original kidney of the recipient is usually not removed. They are usually left in place unless they have to be removed for other reasons such as polycystic kidney disease or infections. The kidneys are usually placed lower down in the abdomen and the artery and the vein are anastomosis to the large vessels mainly the iliac vessels.
Are there any particular precautions that transplant patients must take after the transplant?
Yes. There are important precaution to be taken. Heavy activity or sports should be avoided. Contact with patients with active infections should be avoided. The patients can carry on a normal life but generally they should be extremely careful to report any fever or not feeling well to a nephrologist.
What is acute rejection of the kidney?
Acute rejection of the kidney usually occurs when the immune system of the patient attacks the transplanted kidney. This is usually seen within a first six months or a year after the transplantation. The patient usually complaints about the decrease urination, pain over the transplanted kidney, fever and a rise in the serum creatinine is seen.