“I am a 22 yr old female and I have burning urination and passing urine very frequently?” What should I do?
These symptoms are usually due to a urinary tract infection. One must see a doctor to get it treated.What is meant by urinary tract infection?
It is an infection of the urethra or bladder.How common is UTI?
It is very common, affecting 2 out of 100 people. UTI occurs most commonly in females, because their urethra is shorter and closer to the anus. UTI is less common in males. Older adults are at high risk for developing cystitis.How does a urinary tract infection occur?
Normally, the urethra and bladder have no bacteria. Urinary tract infections are caused when organisms enter the urethra and bladder to cause an infection.Risks for UTI include obstruction of the bladder or urethra with resultant stasis of urine, insertion of instruments into the urinary tract (such as catheterization or cystoscopy), pregnancy, and diabetes.
What are the symptoms of urinary tract infections?
- Increased frequency of urination
- Burning urination
- Pain during urination
- There may be small amounts of blood urine.
What organisms cause Urinary tract infection?
- Most commonly by E.coli.
- Other include S. saprophyticus, pseudomonas, (more in hospitalized patients).
Why are the elderly at increased risk of UTI?
The elderly are at increased risk for developing UTI due to incomplete emptying of the bladder associated because of enlargement of prostate gland. In addition immunity decreases with age and they are more likely to have decreased fluid intake.How is UTI treated?
A urine exam is done to confirm the UTI. It is treated with antibiotics such as Bactrim, Amoxicillin. Usually in women in uncomplicated cases a 3 day course is given. Urine culture is generally not necessary. In the elderly, in hospitalized patients, urine culture should be done.What is pyelonephritis?
An infection that affects the kidneys or the ureters is called pyelonephritis.How does pyelonephritis occur?
Usually the infection spreads from the urethra and urinary bladder. Seen more commonly in- Kidney stones.
- Chronic or recurrent urinary tract infection.
- Immunosuppressed patients. (for example, those with cancer or AIDS).