Sleep Management

Another important dimension of sleep hygiene is to avoid the use of television or movies in the hour before you wish to fall asleep. Sleep medications should be the last line of defense. They fall into the categories of herbal, and prescription medicines. When required, they too are among the adjuvant pain management medications.
Exercise & Pain
Regular exercise at a level that the individual can tolerate is helpful. Such exercise includes walking. There are exercises that can be done even by individuals who are confined to sitting up in bed or in wheelchairs, providing some level of aerobic conditioning.
All such conditioning exercises take time. Our culture is an impatient one, and people want quick results. Toning of the body and facilitating healthy energy flow cannot be accomplished instantly.
Often chronic pain patients should see a physical therapist in consultation. Most important in terms of body balance is the physical therapist’s identifying areas of guarding postures, modified postures that a person assumes to help him or her feel immediately more comfortable with the pain. This is best done by exercising in a swimming pool of mild temperature.
Massage & Pain
The general techniques of massage are also helpful to energy flow and balance. Massage may include use of local hot or cold compresses, vibration, tapping, or pressure. The healing touch in massage has been used in many cultures throughout recorded history to aid in general well–being.
Nutrition, Caffeine & Alcohol

Electrical, Invasive Techniques In Pain Management
A very popular form of pain management over the last 20 years has been transcutaneous neurostimulation, or tens. Tiny electrical currents of low voltage and low amperage are delivered by a device in a cyclical, pulsating fashion. Tens has been found to help some individuals with pain. One explanation about how they may help is called the “Pain Gate” theory. It hypothesizes that the electrical stimulation through the peripheral nerves to the spinal cord blocks pain signals as they are sent from the spinal cord to the brain.