Eyebrow & Forehead Lift Surgery
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For most women, the surgeons have developed a procedure to camouflage the incision within the hairline and simultaneously within lower it. In men, however, where there is concern about baldness, the incision in the front of the scalp could be visible. Therefore, the brow lift may be done in conjunction with hair replacement surgery or through one of the previously mentioned alternative incisions. The forehead–eyebrow lift also lessens forehead creases and frown lines between the eyebrows.
Both the forehead or eyebrow lift can be performed at the same time as eyelid surgery depending upon the needs of the patient. Postoperatively the patient will wear a dressing for one day. This procedure may cause temporary swelling and bruising around the eyes. There is a temporary loss of sensation in the scalp, but this resolves with time. Insurance may cover this procedure and upper eyelid surgery when vision is compromised due to excess skin. Frequently consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary to determine the extent of impaired vision.
Plastic Surgery
Health Professional's Negligence
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