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7th, 8th, 9th months (3rd Trimester)
- Congenital anomalies.
- Growth pattern.
- Liquor quantity.
- Placental position.
- Position of foetus.
- Foetal movements.
Are there any side effects or radiation dangers to the mother or to baby with an Ultrasound Scan?
There are no known dangers or side effects.
How much time is required to complete the Ultrasound Scan?
The exam length varies depending on the region and the disease. Most ultrasound exams are completed within an hour.
How is sex determination possible with an Ultrasound Scan?
It is possible after fourteen weeks when the baby is in position. This enables the lower body to be seen and the gender of the baby can be identified.
Is fasting necessary for Ultrasound Scan?
Yes. You may be asked not to eat before certain ultrasound exams so that the images of the abdomen will be clearer. The gallbladder is also required to be seen as a part of the abdominal exam.
What is a CT Scan?
CT scan is short for Computed Tomography. It is an X–ray based equipment. The ‘CT scan’ is a technique that uses X–rays to take many multiple “Cross–section” images of the body, which are then assembled into a three–dimensional image by a computer. It is a painless non–invasive radiological investigation.
Which diseases/ conditions is a CT scan is used for?
- Headache.
- Head injury.
- Vertigo.
- Epilepsy.
- Paralysis.
- Stroke.
- Unconsciousness.
- Head size is inappropriate for age.
- Psychiatric problems.
- Few lung diseases.
- Pancreatic problems.
- Any fixed swelling over scalp.
What is MRI?
‘MRI’, is a technique that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to take multiple ‘Cross–section’ images of the body, which are then assembled into a three–dimensional image by a computer.