- Speaks later than most children.
- Pronunciation problems.
- Slow vocabulary growth, often unable to find the right word.
- Difficulty rhyming words.
- Trouble learning numbers, alphabet, days of the week, colors, shapes.
- Extremely restless and easily distracted.
- Trouble interacting with peers.
- Difficulty following directions or routines.
- Fine motor skills slow to develop.
- Slow to learn the connection between letters and sounds.
- Confuses basic words (run, eat, want).
- Makes consistent reading and spelling errors including letter reversals (b/d), inversions (m/w), transpositions (felt/left), and substitutions (house/home).
- Transposes number sequences and confuses arithmetic signs (+, –, x, /, =).
- Slow to remember facts.
- Slow to learn new skills, relies heavily on memorization.
- Impulsive, difficulty planning.
- Unstable pencil grip.
- Trouble learning about time.
- Poor coordination, unaware of physical surroundings, prone to accidents.
- Reverses letter sequences (soiled/solid, left/felt).
- Slow to learn prefixes, suffixes, root words, and other spelling strategies.
- Avoids reading aloud.
- Trouble with word problems.
- Difficulty with handwriting.
- Awkward, fist–like, or tight pencil grip.
- Avoids writing compositions.
- Slow or poor recall of facts.
- Difficulty making friends.
- Trouble understanding body language and facial expressions.