Members of Obesity Support Group
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Being fat is terrible, It hurts, it is like a stigma in society. People don’t realize what it is to be fat. A lot of people in the streets laugh when they see a fat person walking, their first impulsion is to laugh, to make fun, to mock that person and nobody really understands except for the fat person. It hurts. It hurts very badly because only I know what I am going through, and I have basically gone through it all. Since years I have been fat even when I was a kid. My husband had agreed to a divorce and well yes, maybe because he wants me to loose weight, but I am trying hard, I have been trying for a few years. I am trying different gyms, I have tried diets and all kinds of stuff. It (weight) had gone down and it come back again. It doesn’t really help me you know because my metabolism is like that. I have the tendency to put on weight. I limit everything around me. I love eating, I can’t stay without food for long. I mean, I too diet seriously, but for how long. It is difficult you know. I use to cry a lot till last month when I came here. I met all these people talking about the surgery, when I came here I had tears in my eyes but when I went out from here, I was a changed person I had literally got a bounce in my step. I feel confident already you know that I am going to have the surgery and I am going to loose weight. I have a lot to look forward to now. My husband too is a happier person since I mentioned it.
Ms. Shyamali Deb (before and after surgery)
I am a 37 year old female of height 5 feet 3.5 inches. My obesity is not hereditary as my parents and both siblings are of normal physique. I started putting on more weight after my 1st Ceaserian section during pregnancy in 1989. After several sessions in the health club I lost about 22 kilos. However, in 1994 I broke my right ankle and could not workout any more. I lost my first baby during delivery as I was a Gestational Diabetic ie. high sugar during pregnancy only. I had a son in July 1993 and my sugar was controlled by Insulin during the entire pregnancy. I had to take in a lot of other medication also during this period which led to increase in weight upto 125 kilos.
I met Dr. Shrihari Dhore Patil through a colleague who was operated for some minor problem at his hospital. Dr. invited me for a discussion and I agreed to go in for a Gastroplasty. I was operated on 28th September 1999 at 8 hours by Dr. Andrew Jamiesson and Dr. Dhore-Patil. I was 125 kilos and having a Blood Sugar of 276. The sugar was controlled by Insulin. As on today, ie. 22.03.2000, I weigh 99 kilos with a Blood Sugar of 100 only.
The operation has been extremely beneficial to a person like me who cannot diet, exercise due to social and professional obligations. Not only am I reducing weight, I am no more a Diabetic. My skin has always been a problem it has now become smoother also. Except for the surgical scar, I suffer from no irritation, rash. My stamina has become better with the weight loss. Climbing stairs was always a breathless affair now I can run up two floors without any problem! I am fitting into all my old clothes, I can wear newer styles which did not suit my earlier body too. After the operation, for only two days I was bed-ridden. From the 3rd day, I was walking around the ward till the last day of my stay. I remained on a liquid diet for 15 days and then switched over to semi-solid and mashed food. Food intake has become extremely less ie. half chapatti, 5 tablespoons of rice. Any excess intake is immediately thrown out of the body by vomiting. Liquids can be consumed any number of times or as much as one desires. However, immediately after a meal, water should not be consumed as the food takes longer to go down the alimentary canal as compared to pre-surgery. It is even noticed that a dislike or negative tendency towards alcohol develops after surgery. After one month of surgery, physical exercise, driving, riding, swimming, etc. is permissible. No problems are faced. For younger women, pregnancy is not permitted for at least a year after the surgery. Gastroplasty is a boon to me and advisable to all obese who cannot diet or exercise easily.
Ms. Rani Suryavanshi (before and after surgery)
I was overweight but had no other problems. People use to call me names so I decided to undergo surgery. Doctors told me that for this age my weight was more and if I had this surgery I would not regain weight. At the age of 20 my weight was 85 kgs and after 13 months of surgery my weight is reduced to 52 kgs. Now I have no problems and I got married two months ago and am working as Accounts Manager.

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