Shraddha Nursing Home
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The mentally–ill destitute on the streets of India
Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation is a charitable organization inspired by dedicated to the mental–ill destitute wandering aimlessly on the streets of India. Realizing that there was no institution to look after and fend for or rehabilitate mentally ill despots, the initiators of this institution started up this charitable organization. Conceptualized eleven years ago, this is the only one of its kind in India.
Who is a mentally ill destitute?
A person who is wandering aimlessly on the streets, out of touch with reality, afflicted with some major mental illness. These destitute are often found laughing or gesticulating to themselves, in a haggard unkempt disheveled condition, and speaking nonsensical gibberish to themselves.
Shraddha Nursing Home
History of Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation
For the mentally ill, destitute on the streets of India. Alone and lonely. Rejected, shunned and denied. Morbidly ragged in appearance. Despondently depressed in attitude. The mentally ill destitute wandering aimlessly on the streets of India.
Lost in their own world, no shoulder to cry on, no hand to reach out to. Only desperation, despair and darkness. The mentally afflicted destitute.Whose anguished cry reached out to us, whose tormented eyes begged of us, whose disheveled, dirty, half naked appearance beseeched to us. To reach out to the, and made them seed, the inspiration, the focus, the nadir of our dedication.
And thus was born “Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation”. An institution inspired by the dedicated to the mentally–ill downtrodden. As word of mouth spread, as the Gods graced us with luck, patience and courage, friends, relatives, strangers, luminaries, known and unknown answered to our appeal of help and joined with us in a prayer for the living dead. And made us feel that there were many who were sensitive to the tragedy of the mentally–ill destitute. We were not alone, we were a legion. A hundred and forty five senior and eminent artists from all over India and abroad donated their paintings and sculptures in a fund raising drive at the Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay between the 18th to 24th October 1993. From the proceeds collected therein, SRF bought a plot of land in Dahisar (West), Mumbai.
Lions Club of Bombay, Juhu Gulmohar, in a magnanimous gesture came forward and donated the cost of construction of the entire institution. We were not alone, we were a legion.And today, eight years down the line, Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation has set up this institution, the first of its kind in India, which will give psychiatric care and rehabilitation facilities to mentally afflicted destitutes on an absolutely free basis.
Started on the auspicious day of ‘Eid’ on the 10th of February, 1999, we believe in all humbleness and in all humility that this is a very small offering from us to the Gods above. But an offering nevertheless. A prayer, a hope, hands reaching out, a faith a belief, a Shraddha.Making that wretched person afflicted with a mental illness meandering aimlessly in the dark corners of every bylane and every pathway of India believe that somebody cares, somebody feels for them.
That I care for him/her, you care for him/her, we all care for him/her. Making them and us both acknowledge, in our occasional awareness of fleeting wisdom, that truth is true only when it stretches beyond the limits of all endurance, light is light only when it has the capacity to pierce the darkness.
Shraddha Nursing Home
Future Plans
Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation was conceptualized seven years back and since its inception, over the last seven years, has picked up and rehabilitated over 1200 such roadside destitutes and pulled them back from the miasma of insanity.
Now it intends to expand its activities by setting up a separate 3300 sq. ft. (Ground + 2 floors) premises at Dahisar, Bombay for which it has purchased a separate plot of land and for which construction has just begun in earnest. The proposed institution will be able to give in house treatment, shelter, food and rehabilitation facilities to 50 mentally–ill roadside destitute at any period of time.
All the proceeds from this donation drive conducted with the assistance of Damania Airways will go towards the construction of the above exclusive institution.
Contact Details
Shraddha Nursing Home & Shraddha Rehabilitation Foundation
A Comprehensive Centre for Psychiatric Care & Rehabilitation
Garnet, Behind Shanti Ashram,
Off Eksar Road, Borivali (West),
Mumbai 400 103, Maharashtra, India.
Telephone: +91 222 28954333 / +91 222 28955020

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