Custard and its therapeutic uses:
In case of Amplapitta characterized by Daha there is a subjective burning sensation. It is advisable to lick it (leha).
In case of Mukhpaka (stomatitis), it is advised to suck and lick it with the finger. It brings about the drop in intensity due to Mrudu, Sita and Picilla attributes.
In Case of Vatika, Paittika Trsna (thirst) it proves beneficial – but owing to its Gure, Manda, Mrdu and Picilla attributes it is totally contraindicated in the Amaja type or Trsna.
In Case of Sosa (wasting disorders) it can be beneficially administered but caution has to be observed and it should never be given after sunset, because of its Abhisyandi, Guru attributes.
In case of Malavibandha (Constipation irregular bowel habits), it is administered in the Apna kala or Samana kala. It is also used in Krsa (emaciated) persons successfully to promote weight gain. It proves beneficial to the persons of vata prakrti and pitta prakrti. Its use in Jangala Desa (geo–physical distribution) is advisable. Its use is beneficial in the Hemant (Autumn), Shishir (Winter) and Grishma (Summer). Its use is contraindicated in diseases conditions like Pratisyaya Svasa–Kapha, predominant Kasa–Kapha, predominant Agnimandya Pravahika Atisara Grahani Hrdroga Kafaja Sotha Medogoga Dhamni Pratcicya Mutraghata.
Based on the foregoing discussion it is possible to apply the same line of thinking and discover new indications and contraindications. It is our sincere wish to impress upon the fresh graduates that the science of life holds true even now, in this rapidly changing word of today.
The principles of Ayurveda can be used to elucidate the medicinal properties of new food stuff or medicinal substance. This point is proved with the example of Custard.