Highly nutritious supplement. Contains all known water–soluble vitamins and a gonadotropic hormone which stimulates sex glands and helps production of testosterone and growth hormones.
Dosage recommendations
Follow label directions.
Barosomabetulina, crenulatea, serratifolia, other natural remedy herbs, their properties, dosages, etc.
Aka Bookoo, Buku, Bucku, Bucco.
Parts used: Leaves.
This herb comes from Africa and is considered to be a urinary antiseptic. It contains an oil that increases urine production. A natural diuretic that also has anti–microbial properties. Purported to help strengthen and heal the genito–urinary system, and is used to treat acute and chronic prostatitis. This herb works well with Couch Grass and Echinacea for prostatitis.
Dosage recommendations
Infusion: 1C 3X/day.
Tincture: 25–50 drops 3 X/day. May also be ingested as a tea.

Aka Chamomile, matricaria, anthemis, ground apple.
Parts used: Flower Chamomile has anti–spasmodic, antiseptic, anti–inflammatory, and analgesic properties. It is used as a mild sedative and works well for adults, children and the elderly. An infusion, or tea, is purported to have calming effects on cramps or painful symptoms of the genito–urinary system. Combines well with valerian and marshmallow.
Dosage recommendations
Infusion: 1C 3X/day.
Tincture: 20–50 drops 3X/day.
Viburnum opulus
Parts used: Bark

Dosage recommendations
Decoction: 1C 3X/day.
Tincture: 30–60 drops in water 3X/day.

Said to help prevent or cure urinary tract infections.
Also recommended for incontinence as it is purported to deodorize urine. Suggested dosage is one pint/day.

Aka Purple Coneflower
Parts used: Root, seed, juice of whole plant Uses as an antibiotic and immune system stimulant. Has anti–bacterial, anti–viral and anti–microbial properties that work well on the reproductive system. Combines well with saw palmetto for treating prostatitis. May be combined in equal parts with saw palmetto and used as a suppository for prostatitis and enlarged prostates.
Dosage recommendations
Decoction: 1C every one to two hours.
Tincture: 1tsp. Every one to two hours. Suppository: inserted rectally after each bowel movement.
Note: Echinacea should not be taken in large amounts for infection. It can cause stomach upset in small children and can cause the mouth to tingle and actively salivate. For acute conditions take every hour or two. The fresh root or a tincture of the fresh root should be used whenever possible. If using dried herb, use recently dried herb products. Herbalist James Green indicates that it is due to the popularity and demand of this (Echinacea) herb that many wild strains in America are rapidly being depleted. Mr. Green asks that consumers choose the species echinacea purpurea, which is very easy to cultivate and grow by organic gardeners, to help preserve the valuable wild resources.
Allium sativum
Aka Stinking Rose, Healall, Rusticís or Poormanís Treacle
Parts used: Bulb

Dosage recommendations
Chew three cloves at a time 2–4X/day.
Syrup: 1 Tbsp. 3X/day. Capsules may also be taken, follow label directions.
Juniperus communis
Aka Genvrier, Geneva
Parts used: Berries are supposed to be good for genito–urinary infections and incontinence (gives urine the fragrance of violets). Has diuretic properties and the essential oil is used in the OTC diuretic odrinil. Juniper may lower blood pressure. One must keep in mind that high doses may cause kidney irritation and damage, therefore Juniper should not be used by anyone with a kidney infection or a history of kidney problems. Even though Juniper may cause kidney problems, the FDA lists it on its list of “Herbs regarded as safe.” It should be used in medicinal amounts only in otherwise healthy individuals.
Dosage recommendations
It should not be taken for more than 6 weeks, 1–2C/day. Instructions on the label should be followed.
Althea officinalis
Aka Althea, Cheeses
Parts used: Roots, leaves and flowers.

Dosage recommendations
Cold Infusion: 1C 3X/day. Decoction: Boil powdered root in milk and drink freely throughout the day.
Tincture: 15–40 drops 3X/day.
Cucurbita pepo. Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of Zinc and Linoleic Acid (Vitamin F).
Purported to be important in helping in decongestion of the prostate gland and lessen residual urine.
Dosage recommendations
Up to Omega C may be consumed daily. Also has diuretic properties.

Parts used: Roots
Supposed to enhance the immune system, to help the bodies defense system build resistance, expand blood vessels to increase circulation, and regulate blood pressure, it also boosts physical energy. Can be used as a reproductive and prostate tonic. Purported to relieve stress of impotence and insure adequate penile circulation. Follow label directions.

Dosage recommendations
Infusion: Steep crushed seeds in hot water. May take up to 2C/day.
Capsules/Tablets: Follow label directions.
Diuretics deplete the body’s stores of potassium, which is an important nutrient. Anyone who takes any diuretic herbal preparations, as well as prescription preparations, should increase their intake of foods high in potassium, such as bananas and fresh vegetables.
Botanical Name : Asparagus Racemosus
Family Name : Liliaceae
Common Name : Asparagus, Wild Asparagus, Asparagus Root, Shatavari
Shatavari, Asparagus racemosus, is a climbing plant with leaves resembling pine needles, and grows to up to 2 meters in height. Found throughout southern Asia and in Africa, Shatavari usually grows in shady, low altitude areas. The plant is especially common in northern India, in Himalaya’s up to an altitude of 1300–1400 meters. The plant flowers in July and fruits in September.The fleshy root of shatavari has been used as one of the most powerful nutritive and spermatogenic herb in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is an all–round tonic and rejuvenative which is best known for treating sexually related problems; and treats impotency and infertility in both men and women. The roots and leaves are used for medicinal purpose. The healing qualities of Shatavari are useful to a wide array of ailments.
Ayurveda has called Shatavari the Queen of herbs and is the primary herb recommended for female health. Among the three Ayurveda Doshas of ‘Vata’, ‘Pitta’ and ‘Kapha’, Shatavari efficiently helps in balancing ‘Pitta Dosha’. known for it effects on the female reproductive system. Shatavari actually literally means “Having a 100 spouses” and ayurvedic texts accurately claim that shatavari strengthens a woman to the point where she is being capable of producing thousands of healthy ova.
Though natural quantities of Shatavari plants are not usually available in Western countries, extracts and other processed forms can be found in tonics, pills and capsules in most health products and homeopathic medicine stores. It is an important treatment source by Ayurvedic medicinal practitioners; and is fast gaining acceptance as a natural alternative medicine treatment product.
Medicinal Value
- The roots of Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari) are fleshy, whitish–brown in colour, slightly sweet in taste, and possesses rejuvenating properties. Shatavari can be used in a number of physical and mental ailments.
- The root Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari) also has proved its effectiveness as a natural sexstimulant and spermatogenic medicine in both male and female sexual and gyanecological disorders. The root is important for increasing the seminal qualities due to its ability to increase sperm count as well as improves its motility. Asparagus racemosus additionally possesses anti–anxiety and anti–stress properties which are of vital in the infertile male.
- Shatavari (Asparague racemosus) root and their different extracts have shown antiseptic and anti–cancer activity. It also acts as a nutritive tonic.It is a good source of folic acid, that is vital for foetal neuronal growth and blood formation.
- The fresh juice of its roots with honey reduces the burning sensation and pain in tumors due to pitta. It is effective for the treatment of gastric ,hyperacidity, stomach ulcers, dysentery, and bronchial infections. It also increases the quality and quantity of breast milk in nursing mothers, hence Shatavari preparations are traditionally given in postpartum period.
- Shatavari is the best nervine tonic, so useful for patients suffering from epilepsy and hysteria.
- Shatavari also increases the urinary output, hence beneficial in urinary stones.It also works well as a rejuvenative, to improve the eyesight.Shatavari is the main Ayurvedic rejuvenative for the female, as Ashwagandha is for the male, although they have some effect on both sexes. It is an extremely nutritious tonic for women, from menarche to menopause.
- Shatavari is highly effective in improving fertility. It tones and nourishes female reproductive organs and regulates ovulation.
- Shatavari regulates hormonal secretion in both men & women.
- Shatavari treats PMS symptoms by relieving pain and controlling blood loss.
- Shatavari aids in lactation for nursing mothers.
- Shatavari relieves menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. By producing estrogens it makes up for low estrogen levels in women who are menopausal or have had hysterectomies.
- Shatavari is beneficial in amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea and pelvic inflammatory diseases.
- Shatavari increases the white blood count.
- Shatavari helps fight inflammation and aids digestion – making it effective against colitis and heartburn.
- Shatavari produces a cooling effect in the body and for this reason it is particularly beneficial for ailments that are associated with excessive heat, such as fever and inflammatory conditions.
- Shatavari also helps to overcome infertility problems in men, particularly in cases of low sperm count.
- In its pure natural (freshly picked) state, it can be very good in treating diarrhea in young children by simply boiling the root in milk.
- I also prevents some miscarriages and is useful as a post partum tonic.
English Name: Shikakai Powder
Botanical Name: Acacia Concinna
Commonly known as Shikakai, Acacia Concinna is a small shrub–like tree, which grows in the warm, dry plains of central India. Shikakai means “Fruit for Hair” and is traditionally used as a natural shampoo in India for centuries on account of its wholesome superior qualities. Shikakai is actually an ayurvedic herb used as medicine for its strengthening & conditioning properties on the hair. This ancient product is probably the world's original pH balanced shampoo. Shikakai is the nature non–polluting product, do not pollute our environment. The Shikakai trees absorb Carbon dioxide and turn it into Oxygen.
Shikakai pods have been used traditionally by the Indians for washing hair and for bath. They can either be ground into powder or paste and applied on hair. Else they can be soaked overnight in water and subsequently boiled and cooled for washing. Soponins are natural cleansers and function without striping the scalp of its natural oils. They are mild and have low pH. They are special because besides cleansing they simultaneously serve as excellent conditioners and detangle .A wash with water in which Shikakai nuts/pods have been soaked removes oil and dirt from the hair, promotes hair growth besides leaving the hair free from fungal infections. It is a true and natural alternative to soap and detergent based shampoos.
Use of Shikakai especially in the summer months helps keep body cool and keeps the scalp moist. Mixture of shikakai, henna and amla powder kept overnight in a iron container or utensil and applied on hair for 2 hours before rinsing, acts as a good conditioner for hair. It has been found better than any expensive artificial color or conditioners sold in the market.
- Shikakai acts as a natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding properties.
- It clears dandruff and cleans the dirt accumulated on the scalp.
- Being a natural conditioner for hair, SHIKAKAI strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth.
- Shikakai has certain vital properties that act as coolants for the scalp.
- Shikakai is a natural cleansing agent and helps keep hair and scalp tidy.
- It is also a good conditioner and helps reduce oiliness in the scalp and give hair a mild shine.
- Skikakai acts as an excellent remedy to avoid wrinkles. Soak 2–3 pods of Shikakai in a bowl or glass of water and wash your face in the morning with the decocted water.
- Decoctions of Reetha and Shikakai are used to wash clothes made of delicate fiber such as cashmere, silk and pure cotton.
- The leaves of Shikakai plant is also used to treat skin diseases.
- Shikakai detoxifies the blood in the scalp and prevents premature graying of hair.
- Shikakai is a natural shampoo.
- Shikakai has a natural low pH.
- Shikakai strengthens hair roots.
- Shikaki promotes hair growth.
- Shikakai powder prevents dandruff.