Ayurveda is regaining its glory as a system of medicine and this book by Dr. Nanal, helps put a lot of facts about Ayurveda into the proper perspective. He begins by dismissing some myths about Ayurveda and explaining scientifically what Ayurveda really means.
Each chapter in the book then deals with specific complaints commonly heard among people. Thus he deals with indigestion, stomach aches colitis, jaundice and so forth. The book very clearly states that bad food habits are often the cause of our ill health. Dr. Nanal thus, recommends the food we should eat and those we should avoid. This again differs from person to person, as each individual’s constitution is different. Simple remedies for complaints are also given. Emphasis is on home remedies and proper diet.
In the concluding chapter, he talks about the side effects of ayurvedic medicines. The general impression is that ayurvedic medicines do not have any side effects and therefore many people tend to go in for self medication. All medicines, like food types may not suit everyone. For instance, if you have a headache, is it because of a cold or is it due to some other reason? The underlying cause for the manifestation of the problem is important before treating it. And the medicine, which works for one type of headache, may not work for another. So cautions Dr. Nanal doesn’t go in for off the shelf self medication, unless you have checked with a doctor first.
A Way to Healthy Life
Charakacharya has defined life as the combination of following four components.
- Sharira: The physical aspect of human body.
- Indriyas: The sensory motor system of the dnyanendriyas 5 karmendriyas.
- Satwa: The manas, mind or the mental aspect.
- Atman: The most important but neglected aspect of soul or spirit.