Panchakarma includes five types of treatment which are as follows
Vamana – Use of emetics
This therapy is mainly used in cases of chronic disorders due to Kapha dosha. It involves induced and controlled vomiting with the help of medicines. It is used to treat chronic asthma, chronic hyperacidity etc. Vamana should not be given to the very young or very old or during pregnancy and should always be administered under a physician’s supervision.
Virechan – Use of laxatives
This therapy is mainly used in cases of chronic disorders due to Pitta dosha. It involves induced and controlled purgation with the help of medicines. It is used to treat jaundice, chronic helminthes cases etc. Virechan should not be given to the very young or very old or during pregnancy and should always be administered under a physician’s supervision.
Basti – Medicated enema
Involves administering medicines as enema. The medicines used can be decoctions, pure/formulated oils, milk etc. It is used to cure arthritis, backache etc. Basti should not be given to the very young or very old or during pregnancy and should always be administered under a physician’s supervision.
Nasya – Nasal administration of medication
Nasya is administered through the nose. Medicated powders, decoctions or oil drops are introduced into the nasal passages. They remove residual doshas and toxins from the head and neck area. Nasya is used in cases of migraine, chronic rhinitis, epilepsy etc.
Rakta Mokshana – Blood letting
Rakta Mokshana is done either with the help of venesection, or using leeches. It is mainly used to cure gout, skin and blood disorders (pigmentation), elephantiasis, alopecia. Rakta–mokshan should not be given to the very young or very old or during pregnancy and should always be administered under a physician’s supervision.
Panchakarma therapy should always be followed by a special diet regime that includes khichadi among other things.