Before starting the therapy, the following two points are to be observed
The body of the individual is cleaned of the metabolic waste products through specialized therapies indicated in the anchkarma. If the Rasayana is taken after cleaning the toxins from the body, it gives the best results, though it can be also taken without it.
The person taking Rasayana is taught to think, speak and work in such a way which would be conducive to development of a healthy society. In fact, these conducts are given lot of importance in Ayurveda and they themselves are considered to have rejuvenating effects on the human body.
The Rasayana therapy is taken in two different ways
(Pronounced as ‘Koo–ti–praa–vey–shi–ka’) In this the person has to stay indoor while taking the rasayan. Elaborate arrangements are made for the construction of a special type of cottage where the individual is to be confined. The person has to strictly follow the diets and other instructions of the physician. He should undergo Panchkarma therapy before taking the rejuvenation. This type is, therefore, not very suitable for a person who has to carry on his profession or job.
(Pronounced as ‘Vaa–taa–ta–pi–ka’) This method is best for people who don’t have time to stay in the Ayurvedic clinic to take the first kind of rejuvenation. This type can be taken while doing your normal work. It comprises of different types of Ayurvedic herbal preparations which are taken as prescribed by the physician. These medicines should be taken at dawn on an empty stomach. It can be taken without undergoing Panchkarma therapy.