• Abbreviations.
• Mediastinum.
Fundamental Principles of ayurveda and their application in the study of Parnbija (Kalanchoe Pinnata)
To review Kloma, the controversial organ, the prevalent opinions are to be taken into consideration. So, let us examine the definitions of Kloma which are enumerated here under.
- Kloma = Pitta–saya = Gall bladder.
- Kloma = Agnya–saya = Pancreas.
- Kloma = Yakrit = Liver.
- Kloma = Daksina Phupphusa = Right Lung.
Udakavahanam srotasam talu mulam kloma ca/ca.vi 5/10 Udakavaha dve, tayormulam talu kloma ca/su 7/14 Udakavanhinam srotasam talu mulam kloma ca/a.s. sa. 5.
The udakavaha sorts, the various channels which maintain the fluid balance of the body derive their origin from two places – Talu (The hard and soft palates) and kloma. An abnormal vitiated state of these is indicated by: Pradustanamidam vijanam (bhavati), jihvatalvosthakloma sosam pipasam catipravrdsham drstva udakavabanyasya srotamsi pradustani iti vidyat/ca. vi. 5/10. An excessive dryness of the lips, tongue, palate, kloma and an insatiable thirst indicate malfunctioning udaka vaha srotas.
A vidradhi of the kloma is indicated by:
- Kloma jayam (Vidradhyam).
- Pipasamukhasosagalagrahah/ca.su. 17/29.
- Sva so yakridi hikka ca, pipasa.
- Klomaje dhika/su.ni. 7/22.
- Svaso yakrdi fodhastu.
- Philnyucchvasaya trt pundah/galagrahanca klomni syat sarvang pragraho hrdi/a.s. ni.
- Marked thirst.
- Dryness of mouth.
- Choking sensation inthe throat.
- Adhvaprasosal srastangahm.
- Sambhrstapurusacchavih.
- Prasuptagatra vayavah.
- Suskaklomagatananah/su.u. 41/21.
A person who has walked for a certain period of time and is now suffering from Adhva sosa exhibits a laxity of the musculature, lethargy, a roasted tanned dry complexion, an impaired tactile perception and a dry kloma, pharynx and mouth.
Kloma is an organ which forms the flank of the Yakrt and the Hrudaya and is situated in the chest. It should surround the heart from all sides, without being attached to it and be mainly on the right side of the chest cavity. This is the gist of the above discussion.
Now if we try and fit one of the previously enumerated hypothesis, each one of them falls short on one or more important aspect. We therefore need to view the issue from a fresh angle in an objective manner.
In modern Anatomy, we find an organ described which fulfills most of the criteria admirably and can safely be termed as Kloma. It is the MEDIASTINUM.
These and many more examples, in the same vein, indicate the control of the fluid balance of the body. Kloma is one of the fifteen Koshthangas described and derives its origin from the mother.
Pancadasa kosthangani tadyatha nabhicsca, hydaynca, kloma ca, yakrcca, ptiha ca, vrkkauca, vastisca, purisadharsca, amasayasca. pakvasayottaragudam dadhragudam ca, ksudrantram ca, sthulantram ca, vapavahanam ceti/ca.sa. 7/10.
- Pancadasa kosthangani tadyatha nabhisca, Hrudayam c.a kloma ca… su.sa. 7.
- Kosthangani sthitanyesu hrdyam kloma pupphusaml a.hr.sa. 3/12.
- Mamsapesicaya raktapadmakarmadhomukham tasya daksinato kloma yakrcca.
- Hrudayasya dalsinato, yakrt kloma ca.
- Va, atp phiha pupphusasca. su.sa. 4/39
It should be manifested from the Raktadhatu.
- Samanavauh praddmatat vaktat dehosmapacitat.
- Kinciducchritarupastu jayate kloma samjntitama/arundatta, vyakhya on A.H.Sa 3/12.