Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria)

Optimistic, peace–loving people, cheerful in spite of underlying worries, are those who need Agrimony as a remedy. These people are difficult to spot for the simple reason that they do not show the extreme mental tension, but seem carefree and happy. Friendly, fun–loving people who like company because it distracts them from their troubles, but who do not discuss their problems. These are peace–loving persons who dislike quarrels and arguments with or even between others and will go to great lengths to avoid such unpleasantness. Very restless sleepers because they find it hard to keep still. The physical conditions most likely to go with this mind state are skin irritations and joint pains from suppressions.
Aspen (Populus tremula)

Dread, apprehension, fear that has no reason. Fear that comes on anytime panic attacks in the daytime, night terrors. Such people often invite ridicule and impatience, since they can point to no cause for their fear, but nonetheless suffer terribly. These people are likely to develop palpitations or trembling of the body.
Beech (Fagus sylvatic)

Rigid, intolerant disciplinarians, authoritative and uncompromising. Make no allowances for people who are unable to measure up to their often harsh standards, and are hawk–eyed in finding fault. Critical, seldom have a good word to offer. Lack empathy and sympathy. Their attitude often isolates them, as others try to avoid them because of their unpleasant demeanor.