White Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
For people who carry mental monologues to unhealthy limits. Almost everyone has some experience of having persistent thoughts when something is preying on the mind. The people who need White Chestnut cannot control or turn off the obsessive ideas, mental dialogue and circling thoughts. These thoughts or arguments go round and round, like a stuck record, often distracting them from the present so only part of the attention is focused on the now. This causes not only a lack of concentration that might lead to accidents, but also a turmoil of mind, and sleeplessness from not being able to switch off.
Walnut (Juglans regia)
Walnut is to help break old ties that are holding one back. It is called the “Link breaker”. Often there are great changes in life or lifestyle that require one to adjust to new circumstances and develop fresh patterns. People who have the requisite qualities for going on onto but a new path find themselves unable to break with the old habits or routines, or divorce themselves from the past, and frustrated from their inability to move on, need Walnut.
Water Violet (Hottonia palustris)
This remedy is for those who are quiet and self–contained. People who are happy on their own, not mingling or sharing too much with others, serene and capable, usually talented and clever. Dignified, quiet people who can bear their troubles stoically. However this self–reliance gives them a feeling of superiority, so they tend to be proud and aloof.
Wild Oat (Bromus ramosus)
People who are talented and ambitious, and maybe too multi–faceted to know what they really want to do. Feel depressed because they cannot utilize their potential for being unable to know what to focus on and which line to choose. Like Holly, this remedy is also used when a case requires clarification, the difference being that Holly is used as a clarifying remedy for intense, active people, while Wild Oat is used for despondent, undecided people.