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Homeopathy–The Holistic system of medicine
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of medicine which treats diseased individuals on the basis of using medicinal substances capable of producing similar changes in the health of a person as that of the diseased person. Literally speaking “Homoeos” means “similar” and “pathos” means “suffering”.
Who discovered Homeopathy and where lies its origin?
Homeopathy was discovered by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, in 1790 over 200 years ago. Its origin was in Germany.
What is the basis of Homeopathic treatment?
Every person who is diseased produces signs and symptoms. The medicinal substances are actually given to healthy persons in a process called Drug Proving and the signs and symptoms produced are noted. These are matched with those of the diseased person. The medicine which displays maximum similarity to the symptoms of the diseased person, is administered to that person.
What is the difference between Homeopathy and modern medicine (Allopathy)?
Homeopathy treats the individual who is diseased, whereas allopathy treats the disease in the individual.
Homeopathy considers every person as being different from another person, and therefore, no two persons can receive the same medicine in the same dose. Allopathy on the other hand, does not differentiate from person to person, and therefore, administers the same medicine to all the persons displaying a similar disease picture.
What are the types of diseases Homeopathic medicines can treat?
Homeopathic medicines prove effective for a vast majority of diseases which affect the body, including skin diseases, arthritic ailments (Rheumatic Arthritis), diabetes, especially those which are of a long standing nature and have no definitive treatment in other systems of medicines. Homeopathy is also useful for those diseases which come up suddenly and do not last for a long time, for example fever, cold, loose motions, stomach ache, vomiting, etc.
Homeopathy is slow in its action–True or false?
It is a misconception that homeopathy is slow in its action. The action of homeopathic medicine is dependent on various factors like sensitivity of the diseased person, the nature of illness of the person, the pathology of the disease, various other treatment measures taken before resorting to homeopathy, etc. On consideration of the above factors, if the most appropriate homeopathic medicine is selected and administered, the action is fast and beneficial.