Homeopathy has a significant role in both curative and preventive medicine. It treats the cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms. It can be used effectively in various conditions seen commonly. The drugs can be safely given to people of all age group. However in serious conditions it is best to consult your Homeopathic physician.
- Natrum Phos (Hyperacidity)
Creamy white coating at back of tongue. Sour risings. Flatulence with vomiting of acrid fluid. - Nux Vomica
Nausea in the morning, sour taste in the morning. Flatulance with bitter eructations. Stomach is very sensitive. Sensation of weight in the stomach. - Iris Vers
Sour and bitter belching. Acidity causing sick headaches. - Robinia
Pronounced acidity, frontal headache, burning pains in stomach. Stools and discharges smell sour. Acid vomiting. Acidity in children.
Burns (Serious burns always call for medical attention)
- Cantharis
For severe burns with blisters. Internally and as a compress (1:10 Cantharis Q:water)–keep dressing soaked in the solution. - Urtica Urens
For less severe burns without blistering. - Causticum
For the after–effects of burns. - Calendula
For superficial burns and scalds. Promotes healthy granulation.