- At least two liters of WATER should be taken every day.
- The interval between meals and the treatments should be at least 3 hours after eating and at least 1 hour before it. Only in exceptional circumstances, the rule could be relaxed on doctor’s advice.
- Clean and pure water must be used for treatments.
- Water once used for treatment should not be reused.
- Linen and packs should be thoroughly washed in hot water and dried before they are used for treatment.
- The treatment rooms should be well ventilated, clean and comfortably warm. Direct exposure to breeze should be prevented while the patient is undergoing treatment.
- Very weak patients and patients suffering from heart diseases, high blood pressure, fever and extreme exhaustion should not take prolonged hot or cold water treatments, steam and sauna baths. If prescribed by the doctor, they should take these under the supervision of a trained nurse.
- While undergoing hydropathic treatments the temperature and duration of the application should be strictly observed to obtain the desired effects. Unnecessary prolonging of the treatment in the belief of securing better results, in fact, harmful.
- Before and after taking cold water treatments patients should not walk barefoot on wet ground or wet grass and should not be exposed to cold air. They should wear slippers to protect their feet.
- After cold water treatments patients should quickly dry themselves and undertake moderate exercises such as yogasanas, suryanamaskars, pranayama etc. If the patients are not in a position to do asanas or exercise, they are advised to take a brisk walk for 20 minutes. If they are too weak to do even that, they should cover themselves with a blanket until the reaction of the treatment is completed (about 30 minutes).
- Cold water treatments should be discontinued immediately if the patient feels chill. Even a second more, they cause nausea, giddiness etc. Sometimes, this may also cause a condition known as hydrotherapic fever.
- After cold water treatments bath should be taken only after an interval of 30 to 45 minutes.
- While hot water treatments necessary precautions mentioned in the concerned treatment procedure should be taken for better results. If they are ignored, they might prove dangerous. After taking hot water treatments, a quick cold shower is a must.
- Before taking any hot water treatments, the patient should drink one or two glasses of cold water. The head should always be protected with a wet towel to keep the brain cool, otherwise the patient may feel giddy, nauseous and may even faint. Terminate the treatment as soon as the patient shows the slightest indication of giddiness or weakness/exhaustion.
- During the menstrual period women should not take any treatment. If necessary, they may take enema, cold water bath and other minor treatments only on doctor’s advice.
- During pregnancy till the completion of third month, women can take cold hip bath and thereafter only cold towel packs are advised. Other treatments should be taken only under a doctor’s advice.
- Sometimes during the treatment a healing crisis may occur… It generally consists of aggravation of the disease, fever, skin trouble, diarrhea, dysentery etc. In such cases, one need not be alarmed since it is nothing but vigorous action of the body to eliminate the disease–producing morbid matter. During the period of crisis, treatment and diet should be strictly adhered to and complete bed–rest taken. The body will be relieved of all unwanted morbid matter and gets revitalized and rejuvenated soon.
General Rules of Naturopathy
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- Hits: 10541
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