Hot Immersion Bath
Temperature: 40–42°C.(Above 42°C., the bath is termed as very hot).Duration: 10 minutes. The duration of hot bath varies from 2 to 10 minutes according to the temperature and condition of the patient. It should not be prolonged beyond this, as raising the heat may cause rapid congestion.
Procedure: Generally this bath is started at 37°C. and the temperature is gradually raised to the required by addition of hot water. Before entering the bath tub, the patient should drink sufficient quantity of cold water. A cold compress should be applied to head throughout the treatment.
Uses: At 40 to 44°C. for 10 minutes, followed by a dry pack, it is the most efficient sweating device. This bath also relieves Capillary Bronchitis and Bronchial Pneumonia in children. At 40 to 42°C. for 5–15 minutes, it relieves congestion of the lungs and activates the blood vessels of the skin and the muscles. As soon as the skin turns red, the bath should be terminated.In pneumonia and suppressed menstruation, the bath should be administered at 37.7 to 40°C. and duration from 30 to 45 due and may be repeated for 2 to 3 days in succession. For treating Dysmenorrhea this bath should be given at 38 to 44.4°C. for 15 minutes.In chronic Bronchitis a very hot bath with friction for 5 to 7 minutes should be given. This relieves congestion of the mucous membrane and gives relief immediately. After the bath, the patient should be gradually cooled and, if necessary, oil should be applied to the skin.The hot bath at 38.8–41°C. is a valuable treatment in chronic rheumatism and obesity. It can be administered for 10 to 15 minutes daily. Hot bath taken daily relieves the intolerable itching caused due to jaundice and in urticaria. When there is pain due to the formation of stone in the gall bladder and the kidneys, hot bath gives relief immediately. The pain in cystitis is relieved by a very hot bath for 10 minutes.
Contra–indications: The hot bath is contra–indicated in organic diseases of the brain or spinal cord, such as Sclerosis and Myelitis. This should not be administered in cases of high blood pressure and heart diseases.
Neutral Half Bath
This bath can be conveniently taken in an immersion bath tub.Temperature: 32–36°C.
Duration: 15 minutes.
Procedure: The tub is filled with water up to a height of 6” to 8”. The patient should drink one or two glasses of water and apply cold compress over the head. Then he should sit in the tub by stretching his legs in the water and keeping his arms and hands away from the water, on the sides of the tub.
Uses: When employed in case of high blood pressure, a cold compress to the chest is advised. This bath helps to relax the heart muscles and blood circulation is diverted to the lower extremities. It also gives soothing effect to the heart, lungs and cerebral vessels by acting on the reflex zones present in the feet. This bath is useful in cases of hypertension, varicose veins, leg cramps, insomnia, bronchial asthma, arthritis of lower limbs, lumbago etc.