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It occurs due to the spasm of the diaphragm caused by nervous irritation.
- Drink a glass of warm water.
- Fomentation to abdomen and cold compress can relieve pressure on the diaphragm.
- Diversion of attention elsewhere.
- Deep breathing.
- Sipping of ice cold water slowly.
- Eating a spoonful of honey or sugar stops hiccough immediately.
Nose Bleeding (Epistaxes)
Bleeding from the nose may be due to external trauma, nose picking, nasal infection or drying of nasal mucosa. Sometimes, the blood drains into the pharynx and is swallowed.
Nose bleeding may occur due to blood dyscrasia, hypertension, nasal tumors etc., where before treatment it is necessary to detect the underlying cause and treat accordingly.
- The patient should lie down, slightly lowering his head. Ice–cold compress should be placed over the nose which will facilitate clotting of blood.
- Avoid blowing the nose.
- Sniffing cold water mixed with lemon juice helps the bleeding to stop.
Toothache is surely one of the most excruciating of pains ever suffered by man. Pain is often accompanied with swelling.
- Fomentation and cold compress to be applied to check on the affected side. This reduces inflammation by diverting the blood circulation.
- Brushing teeth, rubbing with salt and gargling later on with warm saline water help to bring down the pain.
- General measures which improve health and good oral hygiene help providing relief.
- Fasting often helps in controlling the secondary infection and thus provides relief from pain.