Neutral Spinal Bath
Water Temperature: 34–36°C.Duration: 15 minutes
Procedure: The patient should drink 1 or 2 glasses of cold water before the bath and the head should be kept cool. The procedure is same as in cold spinal bath, but after the bath exercise should not be done, instead the patient should relax for 30 minutes.
Uses: The neutral spinal bath is a soothing and sedative treatment especially when the nerves are in an irritable condition. It is the ideal treatment recommended for insomnia (loss of sleep). It also relieves muscular tension of the vertebral column when it is exhausted with prolonged sitting, exercise and labor. It relieves congestion of the lungs and relaxes the cardiac muscles.
This also soothes the nervous system, the back muscles, low back sprains and help one in treating Sciatica.
Revulsive Hip Bath
Requisites: 2 Hip bath tubs, cold compress.Water temperature: Hot 40–45°C, Cold 18–24°C
Procedure: There are two methods of giving this bath. In both the methods 1 or 2 glasses of water should be taken before treatment. The head should be kept cool by applying a cold compress over the head. The treatment should end with cold hip bath.
The patient first sits in the hot tub for 5 minutes and then in the cold tub for 5 minutes. This increases the peristaltic movement of the digestive system and relieves constipation and gases. This also activates the kidney and other genito–urinary organs. It reduces irritability caused due to infections.
The second method of giving alternative hip bath is 3 minutes hot and 1 minute cold, repeated 4 to 5 times.
Uses: This also relieves deep seated pain of gastric origin or pain caused due to severe constipation. It eases the pain in the lumbar vertebrae. This bath is helpful in treating other disorders like incontinence of urine and stones in the kidney. It also helps in relieving chronic inflammatory conditions of the pelvic organs such as salphingitis, oopheritis, cellutitis and neuralgias and hyperaesthesias of the genito–urinary organs, sciatica, lumbago etc.