- Preventive Measures
- Treat the underlying precipitating factor i.e. indigestion and constipation by cleansing the bowels by warm water enema for the first 2–3 days.
- Regular practice of yogasanas, kriyas, pranayama improves health and relaxes the body.
- Regular practice of yoganidra or shavasan or progressive relaxation or biofeedback help relax the body and the mind leading to prevention of migraine.
- Other general measures adopted to improve the functioning capacity of the digestive system also help in the treatment of migraine.
- Before An Attack
- Avoid consumption of condiments, pickles, sugar, tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol and heavy spicy food on the onset of attack.
- Hot fomentation to the back of the neck before the onset of the attack is also beneficial.
- For Relief During Attack
- Head massage followed by hot foot immersion, a cold trauma and cold pack help to relieve the symptoms.
- Induced vomiting relieves pressure by emptying the stomach.
- Steam inhalation dilates blood vessels of the face and divert the blood flow relieving the symptoms of migraine to a certain extent.
- Hot foot and arm bath diverts the blood to the upper and lower limbs and thus help in relieving the symptoms.
- General Measures
- Steam and sauna baths open up sweat pores, help to eliminate toxins from the body through the sweat, which cleanses the internal system.
- Warm water immersion baths, which diverts blood to the periphery if taken for a prolonged period is also beneficial.