Oil Massage is a treatment in which oil is smeared all over the body and kneaded in a systematic manner.
Procedure: The patient is made to lie down in a relaxed position on a cushioned table designed for the purpose. The massage movements are done manually by a masseur. The movements are regulated according to the part that is to be treated. Movements like percussion, friction, kneading, stroking and vibration are made for a period of 30 minutes. The movements are affected in the direction of venous blood flow. To start with, the massage is done on the right side of the body starting from right foot and finally head and neck. The patient is asked to take sunbath for 20 minutes and then a warm water bath after the oil massage.

Massage also helps to improve the skin activity and its excretory function by cleaning the skin pores and activating the sweat and sebaceous glands that are embedded in the skin by increased blood circulation. The nervous system is also influenced by the stimulation of the millions of nerve endings that are located in the skin.
Contra–indications: Massage is avoided during fever, pregnancy, menstruation, skin eruptions, diarrhea, dysentery, and acute inflammation and fasting.

Duration: 30 minutes.
Contra–indications: Vibro massage is avoided in case of fever, acute inflammation, pregnancy, weakness, diarrhea, dysentery and during fasting.
Requisites: A hot water bag, a glove made of Turkish cloth, a blanket, and a bucket of cold water.
Duration: 15 minutes
Procedure: The patient is made to lie on the table, face downwards, with a hot water bag at his feet. The attendant dips the glove in cold water and gives friction to the patient briskly, starting from the feet and working upwards part by part, including the front and back. After each part has been rubbed, that part is covered with the blanket. A short cold shower is given after the treatment.
Uses: This is useful in treating hypertension, fever without rigors, general pruritis etc.
Contra–indications: It is avoided in extreme weakness, fever with chills, open skin wounds etc.

Duration: 7 minutes
Procedure: The patient lies prone (on his abdomen) with the back exposed. Ice cubes wrapped in the towel are gently moved along the length of spine from occiput (base of neck) to the coccyx (end of the spine).
Uses: It is as very useful treatment in cases of high–blood pressure as it acts on the sympathetic nerves.
Migraine headaches also respond well to this application when applied to the back of the neck and head.