An alternative career?
Oh my god! There are so many post graduate courses vying for attention when you have just finished the mandatory three years in college. What do you do, what career can you choose? There are enough conflicting ideas from parents and peers alike. Especially for those who wish to pursue a career in a health or related field, the courses are narrowed down. But for those who are serious about wanting to help treat people, the Kabir Baugh Yoga Institute might have just the course for you.
Situated near the Mati Ganpati Temple, Pune, the institute treats patients suffering from various ailments with Yoga techniques and exercises. To further this cause, the institute will offer its first post graduate diploma course starting June 2000 to graduate students. The diploma in Therapeutic Restorative Yoga will be a residential, two year course, costing Rs 30,000 per year. Targeted primarily at BSc graduates, there will be a written entrance and an interview.
Says Dr Nivedita Pingale, a teacher and member of the faculty, “This is a very good career and one which gives tremendous job satisfaction. When I finished my MBBS, I wanted to do something different before starting my practice so I started working with Dr Karandikar. A few months down the line and I was hooked. Earlier, when I would treat my patients for, say pain because of cervical spondolysis, I would merely give them drugs to combat the pain, knowing fully well that I would never be able to fully remove the pain completely. With yoga, I can treat the root cause of the pain directly, and this gives me immense satisfaction.” Pingale has recently opened her own clinic in Kothrud called The Millennium Concept clinic, where she uses such skills to treat patients.
Pingale feels that there is monetary compensation here as well. “Besides, if you are serious and work hard, like in any other field there will always be people who come to you so you have the monetary benefits,” says Pingale. The course is also good for women who wish to practice part time, so that there are not too many constraints on their time. “The two year course will have state–of–the–art equipment including computers and video recordings,” continues Pingale. However, the medium of instruction will be Marathi and candidates are advised to at least gain a working knowledge of Marathi if they wish to apply. “Most of the texts are translated into Marathi from Sanskrit. Otherwise the student should know Sanskrit to be able to understand them,” says Pingale.
The institute also has a resident hostel, and a well equipped library. The age group of students is up to 30 years and there is the Gurukul system of instruction. Courses range from Yoga Philosophy and Practicals, Modern Medicine, Ayurveda, Medical Astrology, Physics and Metaphysics including other topics. There will be no written examination, rather a weekly project which will be submitted under the teacher’s guidance.
For more details contact
Mr. Ashok Joshi,
Project Director,
Phone: +91 20 4481937,
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yoga as a Career
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