Pus Cells
- Normally 2 to 3 pus cells are present in HPF (high power field of microscope).
- If more than 5 it indicates urinary tract infection or non infectious condition such as fever, stress, dehydration irritation to urethra, bladder or urethra.
- Normally two to three present in males.
- Normally two to five present in females.
- More than five epithelial cells per HPF indicates tubular damage, pyelonephritis or kidney transplant rejection.

- Normally absent.
- There are hyaline cysts, red cell cysts, white cell cysts, granular cysts, waxy cysts, and fatty cysts. They are present due to kidney disorders.
- Occasional Hyaline cysts may be present due to physical exercise and physiological dehydration.
- Granular cysts may be present after strenuous exercise for a short duration.
- Amorphous urates of sodium, potassium or calcium are present normally.
- Amorphous phosphates of calcium and magnesium are present normally.

- Uric acid, calcium sulphate, calcium oxalate and ammonium magnesium phosphate (triple phosphate) crystals are indicative of the presence of kidney stones.
- Hippuric acid, calcium carbonate, ammonium biurate and calcium phosphate crystals are non–significant.
- Following crystals, found in acidic urine indicate abnormal metabolism – cystine, cholesterol, leucine, tyrosine, bilirubin, hematoidin and sulphonamides.

- Normally absent.
- If present indicates infection.
- Normally absent.
- May be present in acidic urine containing sugar.
- Normally absent.
- If present, they are Trichomonas Vaginalis (from vagina) or Trichononas Hominis (from rectum).
It is disorder due to hormonal imbalance. Kidneys become overactive and a person urinates excessively. A person has a raging thirst and an increased appetite.
Diabetes mellitus
It is a disorder in which the body cannot make use of sugars and starches in a normal way.
It is inflammation of the peritoneum – the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers the abdominal organs.
It is an inflammation of the kidney and the renal pelvis (the hollow cone into which urine flows from the kidney).
Endocrine glands
It is a ductless body organ which produces hormones. These hormones affect and help control various other organs.
Occult blood
“Occult” means hidden. Here blood is present in very minute traces. It is not visible to the naked eyes.