The growth in private health care in recent years has created a need – by consultants, family doctors and by patients alike – for the highest possible standards in local private hospital. The Ruby Hall Cardiac Center was developed to meet this demand, with the active support of all branches of the medical profession to serve the people of Poona and Maharashtra.
As well as combining the sophisticated equipment and first – class highly trained staff required to care for most acute medical and surgical conditions, the Ruby Hall Heart Center is the first private hospital in INDIA, to be designed, equipped and staffed exclusively for the treatment of Cardiac conditions and has already gained an all India reputation for its expertise in this area of medicine.
By practicing a philosophy founded on individual patient care and safety. Ruby Hall Cardiac Center provides a highly personalised service and a warm welcome within a calm and efficient environment.
Cardiology at the Ruby Hall Clinic
From a medical point of view, the Ruby Hall Cardiac Center is one of the most sophisticate and comprehensive private hospital in India. Hospital design specialists with international experience jointed forces with professional and technical advisors and local consultants to ensure that this was the case.
An example of this degree of sophistication is our Cardiac Catheterization laboratory and Cine Angio facility, the first to be installed in a private hospital in India with Japanese collaboration. We now routinely perform all Angioraphy procedure – including Coronary Angiography and pediatric Cardiac Angiography in our Cardiac Catheter laboratory.
The Heart hospital in addition has full clinical support facilities – pathology, radiology, physiotherapy and pharmacy all of which are available day and night. There is a 10 bed Intensive Coronary Care Unit with facilities for central monitoring and round the clock on site cover from resident doctors is available. We also have Ventral Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Suction in our Intensive Care Unit and Operating Theater. We believe that these additional features are not always found in private hospital. The total availability of our clinical support facilities allow us to deal efficiently with emergencies when they arise.
We have in addition two specially designed cardiac theatres which are exclusively used only for cardiac Surgery. We now routinely perform cardiac surgery including Coronary artery by–pass Graft surgery. Our Surgeon and Cardiologists are trained at world renowned Institutes in England and America.