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Sometimes words are not enough. A person’s innermost Body language thoughts are best revealed by his body language. And if you are clued up, you can even learn to decipher essential body clues or signals to learn more about a person’s feelings. Meeting a person skilled in the art of “Reading” body language can be as uncanny as having your mind read. But learning to read basic body signs is relatively easy. All a beginner needs is to learn to be receptive to signs. A slight touch, caress, crossed arms, eye contact… These are all direct forms of communication. Judging their intensity and frequency can make a discerning person realize whether the person is sending out messages like friendship, romance, refusal or even interest.
Body language
Eye contact is the most common initiation of interest by a member of the opposite sex. The eyes reveal myriad emotions–interest, excitement, anger and even disinterest. Making eye contact to a person, lasting longer than in an ordinary social situation shows that you are interested in them sexually. When speaking to a person, look at him or her directly, not over a shoulder or down at the floor. Don’t overdo it, though. Most people find anything more than intermittent eye contact (5 seconds out of every 30) uncomfortable or threatening and will probably look away. You can assume some mutual interest if he or she returns your gaze steadily.
If the glance is recognized and welcomed, the recipient may move in a way that “Opens up” the body, giving you more to look at. It is possible that the person stands sideways with his/her torso slightly pushed forward. Other indicators are placing hands in the back pockets, and if it is a girl, playfully pushing hair off her forehead. If you are looking at each other for longer periods and moving closer toward each other, that is a definite mating call. Learning to interpret body language can also be a valuable tool in developing empathy. Something which works as a definite plus in any relationship.