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These are closed cavities containing pus.
Abscesses cause pain, occasionally fever accompanied by chills and malaise.
- Fasting to cleanse the internal system.
- Warm water enema initially during the fast. Mud packs are to be applied 3–4 times a day.
- All other measures to improve general health should be employed.
- Bathing the abscess with warm Epsom salt water reduces pain.
- Ice packs wrapped around the abscess also reduce pain and swelling.
- Application of hot poultice made of wheat flour paste (prepared by mixing the flour with boiling water) mixed with
turmeric powder and packed in a muslin cloth and wrapped around the abscess overnight will remove the accumulated pus
by the next day.
- Fomentation to the abscess and mud application relieves pain.
- Once the abscess opens up it should be bathed frequently with warm water to prevent re–infection.
Bunions form as a result of wearing badly fitting shoes. If the footwear is too short or too narrow the big toe joint is forced inwards resulting inflammation and enlargement of the joint due to constant pressure and irritation.
- Select footwear that fits in and the straight inner margin of which does not cause compression on the big toe.
- A pad of cotton kept in between the first two toes prevents bunions from forming.
- Stretch the big toe regularly in the correct direction after removing the footwear.
- Warm water Epsom salt bath to the feet is useful in relieving pain caused by the bunion.
Bruises, Strains, Sprains and Muscle Injuries
No matter how healthy one is, it is absolutely impossible to avoid an occasional sprain or a bruise.