Enlargement of prostate glands (benign prostatic hypertrophy) CP plus wet girdle pack and ice bag on lower abdomen daily once. Hot and cold alternate hip bath or fomentation to abdomen and abdominal pack weekly 2/3 times. Take soothing diet. Fast one day in a week with juices 4 hourly. Avoid constipation and sexual thoughts.
Kunjal, Laghushankha Prakshalana, Pavan Muktasana, Shalabhasana, Paschimottanasana, Moolabandha, Ashwini Mudra, Anuloma Viloma.
CP plus through overhauling of the whole system with fasting and enema for 15 to 30 days followed by soup and only fruit/vegetable diet for several days, vigorous exercises, daily 5 to 10 km brisk walk and full control on palate. Take lemon water 3–5 times daily. Avoid banana, mango, sapota, grapes, potato.
Kunjal, Sooryanamaskar, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Janusirasana, Kapal Bharti, Bhastrika.
Menstrual Disorders
CP plus abdomen pack every night, hot and cold hip bath (for painful and scanty menstruation), twice a week to be done throughout the month except during periods. Fomentation to abdomen (if bleeding is not excessive) in case of pain, during period.
Kunjal, Laghushanka Prakshalana, Sooryanamaskar, Chakrasana, Dhanurasana, Matyasana, Garbhasana, Kapal Bharti, Anuloma Viloma.
If the above treatment and diet control seem too much, adopt 50% of them but concerning the disease and suitability, each case has to be assessed individually. Hence obtain advice of Naturopath and Yoga expert.
Gastrohepatic Pack (Yields excellent results). The Gastrohepatic Pack influence not only the stomach and liver but also the spleen and pancreas though the intimate association of the circulation of these organs.
G. H. Pack Procedure:
Fomentation bag filled with hot water should be applied on the abdomen covering the last rib to the umbilicus, extending upto the line of liver and spleen, while a cold bag is applied to the lumbar spine. Both bags’ reverse application is called Kidney pack.