Children’s Health

Pre school children show very fast changes on physical, mental and social level. A preschooler’s moods and feelings can be confusing. They show various moods from tears and tantrums to affectionate kisses and uncontrolled energy.
Here, at Aarogya we can help you understand your child better and deal with all the emotional ups and downs that your child goes through. Their hands and feet are adorably little. They wear small clothes, love tiny toys and have a favorite stuffed friend that is just the right size for them to cuddle.
But their feelings are so very big
Preschoolers (aged 2½ to 5 years) can have emotions that demand attention, support and resolution. They are intense, confusing, and surprisingly difficult. They cry suddenly and then are happy in no time. Get ready! You are about to dive into the rough and wonderful environment that is the emotional life of a preschooler.
Nutrition for Children
- Details
- Hits: 11341
- A commitment to reduce malnutrition and low birth weight through national and State level policies
- The use of a community–based approach to address malnutrition and child development.
- Provision of Vitamin A and iron supplements to address damage caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Here are a few tips on providing a nutritious diet to your child
- Offer your child a wide variety of healthy nutritious foods like green leafy veggies, fresh fruits, legumes and the like.
- Encourage your child to eat plenty of cereals, but prefer inculcating the habit of eating wholegrain.
- Milk and other milk products are a must for the growth of child. They act as good sources of calcium that ensure healthy bones and teeth. Going in for low fat skimmed milk is not recommended for children under the age of two, but young children and adolescents can definitely opt for low fat milk varieties.
- As far as intake of non–vegetarian food is concerned, encourage your child to go in for lean meat, fish and poultry.
- Alcohol intake is not at all recommended for young children.
- Choose foods that are less salty and less spicy.
- Avoid foods that are high in sugar and fat content.
- When it comes to cooking, prefer going in for cooking techniques like steaming, boiling and baking, rather than frying. Frying tends to involve extensive usage of oil, thus making the food item high in calories and low in nutrition.
Children's Health
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